Monday, November 23, 2020

Surprise They Fit!

I recently ordered three pairs of wide leg jeans, and today the first pair arrived.  I am delighted to find that not only do they fit waist to knees, but they also fit loose enough to be able to draw them up above my knee (without making them be a tourniquet ) so I can get them where massage and the wire stimulus have room to fit comfortably.  It has been a nuisance to find a loose enough pair of pants based on how they fit Back Before The Crash.  Luckily bell bottoms are making a comeback and better yet, wide leg jeans work, since there is a fair amount of swelling above the knee.  I know I look ridiculous in them, but I don't care.

I also had C help me find the purse I want to switch, no small task given there are literally 100s of purses in my closet.  For a "walk-in" closet It is more like a "sidle-in" one, and my walker doesn't sidle at this point.  Maybe soon I will be cleared to try a few steps without.  In the rehab unit I walked a very small amount with someone pushing my wheel chair behind me, so I could stop if I got too wobbly.  Just thinking about walking makes me feel insecure now.

OK, here is a photo of me holding my hobo style purse.  You may realize that I hold it with 2 hands; too heavy to hold it aloft with one.  I will try to find a joke to go with this.  Exciting, the anticipation, isn't it?  Yeah, I know this post is cruising for a record making boredom price .  


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