Monday, November 09, 2020

Biden wins the election!

 Nightmares are something that kids have and I am not joking when I say I had an awful night.  I slept, dozed really after 4:30am and it was with the lights on until I finally gave it up around 6am. I heard my name called when I was asleep, from a female voice behind me and at an uncomfortable volume.  No one there of course.  These dreams are so realistic, but this is the first to involve a voice.  I am not timid, but these dreams (?) leave me frightened, even knowing they are only  a vivid voice in my head.  Crummy.

The election is over ! and I actually voted for the winners for a change.  If the Senate goes "blue" then it will be possible to get things done in record time.  If not, then slower with back-and-forthing between both parties.  I am still astonished that Biden carried the day.

The grave sites in VA are soon to be sold, I hope.  So much paperwork to get to that point, I had no idea.  My parents bought these plots in 1951, but as far as I know they never returned to Falls Church, and they tried to sell them several times.  I listed them at the Memorial Park as "available" and that is where these buyers found them.

I am really tired, I will end this for today.  Back later!

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