Wednesday, October 28, 2020

OK so far

 I have been playing with my cameras, and getting them charged, filters available to use.  Three of them have triple AA batteries and these are the easiest to deal with, just pick up lithium batteries at Wally World.  The other cameras need to be charged directly in a charger once removed from the camera.  So of course the charger is missing.  I won't look for them, uh uh.  If they don't turn up soon I will just buy two new ones.  Oh, and the reason I won't/can't look myself is because they are most likely in the space beneath the window WHERE I CAN'T get to.  As if this room isn't getting smaller every day.  

I knocked over my tea glass last night and scrambled to soak the tea up from the surface of the carpet.  This carpet is phenomenal, the pile is so dense I could only put down paper towels and step on them; a technique I learned when housebreaking two puppies.  C vacuumed the entire house 2 days ago, but there are more tasks to work on, of course.  I am frustrated that I cannot pitch in and help, damn these broken ankles.  But C spends a lot of time on his games, it is not like I am asking for non-stop work.  And of course, I pay C $$$ every month so he isn't tapping his savings every time he needs something.  And  he has my green debit card for groceries and so forth.  I wish my TV was hooked up, C needs to go to the cable office and swap out the old box for a new one.  It couldn't take more than 30 minutes to get the box and hook the cable up.  I got a Visa card for $50 from Carvana as a 'thank you' for buying from them which I had planned to use to have it detailed, at least part of it.  It is a bonus to make up for having the car arrive in less than spic-and-span shape like a new car should.  But there again it is C who has to do it.  I have a cover for the Lexus, once it is clean, I hope it is OK as I prefer to check purchases out as soon as I can in case there is hidden damage, it can be sent back for replacement.  But C needs to wash the car first, I am tired of listing all of this, on to other.

I have received the wooden crates from Lowes to continue (finish) organizing my cross stitch patterns.  So many!  No new ones for me!  I ordered two more crates, so of course one of them has a broken slat.  I decided to just glue/clamp it as the on-line listing says, 'out of stock' which may mean never available.  Now I have 4 crates, and they are pretty, all the colored envelopes and zippered closures in them,  if only they were done.  I will work on those that are partly done, the sooner to 'clear the deck' of those taking up space.  I am mulling over the kit for the Mirability  pattern "Christmas elegance".  I don't know what possessed me to buy this, the fabric and all the floss and beads, I am considering paying someone to stitch it for me, what if I am ripped off, half before and half after, maybe $200 all told?  Pondering.

I have arranged to have Blog2Print make a hard copy, this will make it volume 4 for my blog.  The entire blog is 2004 - 2020, but this volume just covers the last 4 years.  I think this will make a more permanent version than the blogspot version; what if blogspot goes belly up and all my posts are gone?  But I don't think C and R will ever read it, there it is on-line if they want to read.  

Here it is another gray squishy day.  I read at some point that this place gets only 30 days of sunshine in a year, and I thought, no way.   But now I agree, 30 days may be an over estimate.  When we lived in San Francisco their typical weather was foggy morning and night, and a nice day at mid day of sunshine.  And everyone complained about how the fog made them depressed, while I thought (going there from Memphis) free air conditioning!  My only complaint was that the wind blew out the pilot flame light on the heater, outside of course.  I am sure it is not allowed to have a pilot light now, wasting gas, they probably use a spark from a piezo to light.  But no air conditioning!  We took a lovely drive to Cooper's Rock last week and it was a mistake.  The park was wall-to-wall people and their cars, there was literally no place to stop.  So we did the loop and headed back home.  The trees were gorgeous with gold and red.  The bride at the side of the road had on a beautiful gown, I hope she made it to the pavilion without mishap.  There were, in addition to the wedding, the usual picnickers and bike riders, kids screaming, people with shovels (?) and all sorts of fun times going on.  I am still puzzled why there were so many people on a Friday...

Time to get going on dressing and bed making (the only thing I can contribute). Everyone take care and don't raise the topic of politics, it will only raise blood pressure and make everyone grumpy.  Bye!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Show Saddle, no Horse


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I am so tired

 I really really need to get rid of my walker, but I am still falling, and without the walker it would mean I had no chance to hold on and stiffen the knee to avoid a nasty fall.  When I was doing therapy before the broken ankles, we were using the cane and I was making real progress with the replacement knee.  I don't know how I can do even light work with the knee and the ankles.  Such a mess.

I have started a small notepad for "things I can't find" and I hope it is large enough.  I keep looking in the same places for different things, you'd think I would have the file for whatever memorized, but no, let's spend hours looking and find lots of other things too late to use them.  I think I will give up looking and just buy another.

I called the post office because we have had no mail Monday or Tuesday.  Ordinarily I would not care, it is all election things and advertising for things to buy, but I am expecting checks in yesterday's mail.  I called the main number for the PO and got a prerecorded message about COVID being to blame.  I will keep my fingers crossed for today.

Ah ha today the mail came, and there were the checks.  Maybe my phone and the online calls kicked something loose.  Or not.

 post on hold for now

I wonder if we will have trick-or-treaters this year .  If I had young kids, the answer to the question would be NO, I don't need young kids sneezing on the bowl of candy, passing along colds or whatever is going around; and they need to be at home.  When my kids were around 10 to 12 years old, I asked about costumes as I had always made their costumes, and it was not a one evening effort.  They said, desultory, that they wanted to go.  I pointed out that those homes that did pass candy tended to resent "big" kids going around.  I asked them if the only reason to go was to get candy, and they said "Well, duh" so I told them I would buy heaps of candy to stay home, and they said "Yes!" and that is what we did.  It is not that they were 10 and going to take advantage, but because at 12,  C was already 6 feet tall, and he Looked Older.   I gave candy to everyone who came; I can't ask for proof of age like the DMV does. We had around 15 to 18.  Mostly very young (toddlers) being carried around, made me feel achy, just watching them.   The year before then we had 50 kids, all ages.   This year I am not giving out candy, we will turn out the lights in the front and for me, stay in the bedroom (sigh).  

I have revised the above paragraph about 10 times, if I posted an error, sorry!

I received today the order from Amazon I  placed Monday, there is only one problem.  I ordered one pkg. which was, I thought, 3 bottles of alcohol hand sanitizer.  What I got was one case (12 bottles).  We won't need to hunt them out at the store for quite a while.  Most of them in Wally World are scented, and these Germ-X Original ones are just a plain clean smell.  Not orange, not flowers, not peach.  I threw away a bottle of peach sanitizer, it was so vile smelling.   

This laptop confuser usually sits on my craft table, the only flat surface cleared off.  But yesterday the fan kept cycling on and off, while sitting on a paper blue pad, so I took the pad away, and today the fan has not budged.  Guess I will need to shut off the laptop instead of letting it sleep.  I wonder if that is what was causing the problems on the previous MacBook Air?


Friday, October 09, 2020


 Well, I fell this morning in the shower as I was about to finish entering the shower.  I wasn't hurt (a scrape) but I cried.  I really thought I was stable after all the stumbles and I had to have C lift me onto the shower chair and then I stood up in front of my walker.  Then I slowly walked to my bed and went to sleep.  I really need a shower, maybe tomorrow I will try again.  I am so down right now.  At least I didn't need the fire EMS to get me up.

The trivet I stitched looks very nice on the mantle, it took forever to stitch even if it is small.  

There are a lot of my crafts (stitching) ceramics, knitted scarves/hats/etc., candles, to be found here and there, I gave a lot of them away over the years.  There is a limit of "many" that I can keep.  I have seen on youtube stitchers that behind them the wall is crammed with framed pieces they have done.  Just thinking of the $$ it takes to frame them, mat, glass they usually charge around $30 each; more if the mat is sculpted to fit a non-rectangular piece.  And who is there to show them to?  

My butt hurts (see first sentence above) so I am back to bed.  Bye!

Thursday, October 08, 2020

a nice drive

 I just returned from a trip to the drug store and the vet, in the new car of course.  It is so quiet compared to the old Subaru, and when C passed a tractor trailer it has a lot under the hood too.  It is a V6 and that is about all I know about the nitty-gritty of the car.  

I finally found the cross stitch kit 3 and the finished trivet in the cabinet behind the stitchy chair.  C said that the cabinet had cross-stitch "stuff"and I thought it was all patterns and no fully kitted projects but we had looked everywhere else, and I insisted (nicely ) that I needed to check out what was there.  And about half way through the tote bag there was the zipper bag with all the trivet stuff.  I am making a list of "looking through" things because I am looking in the same places for different missing things.  Beside the items that I need right then,  I am looking for a new brain, one that won't let me search endlessly for what I am holding in my left hand.  Truly.  Meanwhile I am reading the owners manual, and making a list of topics that seem relevant.  The manual doesn't look that large, until I realized that the book has teeny tiny print along with feeling like it weighs 5 pounds of very thin paper.  Oof.

The drug store took the scripts I found today and said we just squeaked by, they would have expired tomorrow.  I have an appointment to see the psych doctor in Feb! and the family med doctor said she won't write any more for me until I get an office appointment.  I don't know what else to do, it created a real mess to leave this until I have 5 pills left.  Hence the brain replacement.  Although in my defense, the visit to the family doc. when she wrote me the tide-me-over scrips were in May, and June 1st I fell and broke both ankles.  At that time pills were not my worry.  Amputation was mentioned, if the bones slipped out of alignment again, or if infection set in.

I bought an airbrush makeup gadget not realizing that it was an auto-refill one .  Luminess is the name, DON'T GET sucked into this boondoggled mess like I was.  On their website it only passes the caller around and around.  Or the phone rings and rings and no one picks up.  I went to my credit card company and blocked them from charging.  I didn't know you could do that, I always just canceled the card altogether.  I have C to thank for this info!  I'll have to see what if anything happens

Sunday, October 04, 2020

New car!

 This is my first thought upon waking:  Hurrah!  I got the car!

The new (to me) Lexus IS 300 came to the nearby WalMart parking lot Saturday.  It was in a huge car carrier, and it could not have made it even a short way into our road, given how big the carrier is and how there is no place for him to get back out.  It put a small glitch in our scenario in that C and I went to WalMart but I cannot drive these days, hard to get my walker among the pedals ;>o  but very fortunate that it was a saturday so R was home (yeh!) and could come to the house and take C back to Wally World to get his car.

I went with C because I am the legal owner, so to show my Proof of insurance and my license.  And we came back in the new one.  It has pretty close head room, but I had no problem getting in/out, so that worry is gone.  The car is filthy (hundreds of miles by car transport) but Carvana will be sending a $60 gift card for wash and detailing.  And a thank you $250 for taking a long time for this transaction to occur.  I hope they will honor the email sent by the lead fixer-upper; I got it in writing just in case.  I will see.  Anyway it is still beautiful, dirt and all.  It rained last night so some of the dust washed away.  If only I could drive!  C seems especially pleased.  I ordered a fitted car cover for it; I kept my Miatas covered (I actually wore one out even though it was kept in the garage) and it only takes 3-4 minutes to cover, if it is fitted.  This one is 3 layers, should not wear through for a long time.

I will post a photo below so you can see it, dirt and all...

Isn't it beautiful?  Well OK, it is a sedan and not a convertible like the Miatas 1996-2002, but still, it does look classy.  It looks black, but it is nightfall mica (I think that is right).  I only wish I could drive it!

I don't immediately look to buy a mobile home, although it could be the worst decision of all.  There is a big depression on the horizon and buying another home right now might leave me with 2 homes, one paid for and one with a house-sized debt that can't be written away with an unsold house.  We will see what the housing market is going to do.  Ken Fultz will be a good sounding money manager.

I got a new MacBook Air as the original one got really flakey.  Now that everything can be copied to the new one, I will try to wipe the drive back to factory settings.  I should like to get a decent $ for it on eBay. I also got a new iPhone as the old one breaks up and drops signals.  I think I have enough toys to last, don't I?

I wanted another wooden crate to hold the rest of my fully kitted up projects, but when I looked at Michaels and Hobby Lobby, they both had what I wanted but were sold out.  Then I thought of Lowes, not what the average crafter might check, and lo!! they had the one I wanted at half the cost of the other stores.  Delivered even.  The two, old and new, are identical other than the new needs a spray coat of white to give it a weather beaten look.  It is amazing how they are identical, I eyeballed the size and thought good enough.  Let's hear it for Lowes!

I am pretty beaten myself, so that is it for me this day.  Take Care!

                                                            Showroom photo of my car