My silver show saddle sold (say that 4 times quickly!) for more than the asking price because there were two bidders that wanted it. The check was delivered today, and I will split the money in half with C who did all the cleaning, polishing, packing and taking it to UPS (did I mention the shipping weight was 46 pounds?) for delivery to the consignment place. It sold for almost the price that I bought it for, back in 1975.
ANNNDDD the bathroom remodeling guy called me and said he would get the estimate by Sunday evening. I knew he would be tied up for a couple of months with other jobs, but I need the estimate so I can go to the bank and kick around a loan.
Furthermore: The attic guys stripped the attic of everything and carried it to the garage for us to sort through. It wan't cheap, but the three guys worked like fiends, as one carried off a load the second one would get the next armload. There was some debris that followed the tracks as they went in and out, but that is a small price to pay for the job to be done at last.
The psych doctor I have been seeing for 20+ years is retiring in June, and so I called the clinic and got lined up with a new doctor in June. I signed a release for my medical records; the file is 6 inches thick and that is just volume 2. Hopefully she will only have to send a summary that hits the high points. Meanwhile she renewed all my meds for 6 months or a year, so a new doctor isn't trying to be read in before I need a refill.
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