Monday, January 28, 2019


I nearly did a face plant yesterday.  My knee buckled and there was no place to fall safely.  So I snatched a crushing grip on the walker and forced my knee forward to where it belonged, under me.  I think that is the only time I have averted a bad fall.  Maybe I am doing better with my exercises.  Anyway, I count that in the positive list.

I tried to write/choose the bills that need to be done for next month, but my brain refused to work (I had already taken my sleepy-time med) and I had to put it away.  I will do this after breakfast when I can think a little more coherently.  And I can have a Coke at hand too.

I wonder if any of my pageviews are from people I know.  I haven't searched for blogs online for months or more, and most of them have a single subject to write about (like motors, Photoshop, and the foibles of writing code.  No more, or few, of the mommy blogs. ) So they have migrated to another social media and I am not interested in recipes, games, programs on TV.  I even get Blog-to-print, I have three volumes and they are handy, too.  Not for any grand scheme, but because I hate to have them disappear into where old stuff on the web goes.  I have 3 volumes, the first one is the largest, but altogether they are huge.  My therapist says they aren't a blog but a memoir.  I wouldn't go that far.  But three volumes and counting, wooo.

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