Tuesday, April 17, 2018

No more "Saving"

I am no longer going to save the "best" things for a special occasion.  Things like the good china, the nice jewelry, the linens, the designer clothes (not a lot there), the designer handbags (too much of those), the silver flatware (I have 4 sets, none bought by me I am glad to say).  What kind of special occasion was I planning to have?  Royalty?  Rich old uncle?  Who?  And it will give me great delight to have these things out of storage and put to use.

Of course I will have to wait until I can get upstairs to put this into practice.

I saw the ortho doctor yesterday and he said I may eventually get the nerves to regrow and thus be able to lift my toes when I walk.  Until that happens I will limp; but right now I am less worried about limping and more about falling.  I saw the xrays taken and man that is one walloping big knee in there.  I guess when you're going for six surgeries, put the knee in, take the knee out, put the spacer in take the spacer out, put this knee in, sounds like the hokey-pokey, and whoa I am getting dizzy.  Anyway, when all that happens in 6 months, they must go for the big-time replacement.

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