Sunday, February 28, 2021

Give me some leeway

 This will be my last attempt at this post, I have been starting it over and over and fighting each step of the way.  I can't seem to correct one error without creating 3 more.  I just took a nap, maybe that will help.

Friday morning I fell in my bedroom, and I have been in what looks like a fist fight, which I clearly lost.  I have two black eyes, a running scrape  from eyebrow to hair line and a lot of bruises.  I fell on my very well padded floor, and I was walking, not running, and I don't see how I should be so beat up now.  Now I am walking very very slowly, and trying to look only downward and not gazing around.  I am wishing for one of those padding suits like you see in the circus.  I am lucky to not have broken any bones with all the tumbling I do.  I called my doctor and she has given me pain meds to take the edge off all the bruises and scrapes.

I saw my new psychiatric doctor via Zoom and it went very well, I think we covered the the same ground as Dr. W.  She laughed at my humorous remarks, a good sign.  My next appt. is in April.  I guess she received the information from Dr. W.  Maybe it will take until April to go through it all.

I woke up  6 am last night when I saw an orange cat in the reflection of the phone.  I know I saw it, but C could not not find it, and I have no ability to drag my walker around calling "kitty kitty".  C  saw the neighbor's dog out running while he was getting the mail, and he said 'is that your dog'  ? and the neighbor said yes, and said the house they had before had a big meadow to chase things.  And then she went in the house and shut the door. The last two dogs that ran loose had their collars left hanging on their front door handles.  Another one was picked up by the dog catcher cost $200 to parole.This is what fences are for.  Maybe he will run away. I hope he doesn't catch the one of the cats --ours are indoor.  

People who think their pets are so cute and will tolerate any lawn toys as dog toys are mistaken.

All the neighborhood with loose animals are nice neighbors, but keep them in their homes or on a leash.

Time for another pain med.  and then for bed.  good evening.

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