Monday, May 25, 2020


Damn.  I fell last night going from desk chair to bed, that is three steps.  I got 2 done when my knee buckled;  as I felt me going I quickly back stepped (because I always fall backward)  and ended in the chair again, none the worse for wear. However I still had to get to bed.  I took tiny baby steps, slowly, and made it to bed at last.   How long is this going to go on?  I can't just mince along as I walk for an indefinite time.

I am watching The Dead Zone.  It only loosely follows the Stephen King book, but given that the story line covers  7 seasons of hourly programs, the writers had to flesh it out with some liberties in plot.  Especially since in the book, the main character gets killed as he assasinates the Armageddon source (maybe).  Otherwise it is OK, but each episode has Johnny discovering a catastrophe, warning the key character, who never believes him, and so he must act on his own.  If it were me, I would sense the trouble, tell them to be careful (etc.) and then so long, duty done.  No one ever believes the first time, and what makes him the hero over and over is all pretty much the same, episode to episode.  And yes, he sounds and looks like a jerk too, with all that wild gazing going on.  And the scenes with his son are creepy.  And why is it that as he is exploring the haunted-style room, etc., he never turns the light on?  Don't you think he should be falling over the furniture and making a racket?

 Anyway it passes the time.

Take-out from Outback tonight, yum.  I would have gotten a blooming onion, but they don't travel well.  Ribeye steak for me.  With all the lock-downs, they should have their act together for take out by now.  When N was alive we went out to dinner every Friday, but now it becomes a major production to get me in and out of the car, into the restaurant and stow my walker nearby.  Guess I am saving money, anyway.

I got my "economic impact" check, although I am aware that it is only a fraction of the amount I paid in income taxes back in April.  Guess I will use it to get ahead in payments.  I can just visualize trump and some of his cronies sitting around in the oval office and trying ideas for how to get more votes.  They say, just give them around a thousand dollars, they will think they have won the lottery, thanks to the GOP.  Should have a real surge in votes, come November.  And they are probably right, too.  Damn.

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