Thursday, April 11, 2019


Well, the biopsy is done, now the thing is to see the doctor with the results next week.  I wish I could sleep from now to then.  I am certainly tired enough, but I don't want to mess up my sleep/wake cycle any more than necessary.  The biopsy itself wasn't too bad, just lying on a table in an awkward position for what felt like hours, tho it was only about 20 minutes.  The actual biopsy itself took 45 seconds.  Once done, they did *another* mammogram to check they were on the exact spot.  I didn't ask what would happen if they miscalculated, do the entire thing again!?!  But all was well.  If there is nothing found, the whole thing will be repeated in 3 months.  Sigh.

The neighborhood kids have left no time in using the basketball court to ride their big wheels, skates etc.  now that the house is empty.  I never understood why they wouldn't let kids ride on it, or play basketball on it.  The very first owners put the court in (30?) years ago, but the next owners saw the big teenagers, smoking, and playing basketball very loudly.  The very next day the net, backboard, and even the pole were gone.  The third owners were an elderly couple with no family in the area.  There was one night back then when the meteor showers were supposed to be breathtaking, and we asked the man if we could stand/sit on the court to watch.  And he said no!  Like we would throw beer cans and crank up the volume on a rap station, I don't know.  Our property in that direction was all wooded, and the clouds began piling up, I didn't think it would be necessary to ask, guess I learned.  We stood in the road just inches from their driveway.  Neighbors #4 put the hoop back up.   I don't mind having their cat, I just hope the two already in possession of the garage will make room for one more.  You never know.  There have been others that just disappear one day, you know they are likely dead in the ditch somewhere.  The two we have now, one female is 18 years old and deaf, and the other one is OK in the garage as long as we aren't there.  C is the only one he will allow to pet him.  It is usually the males that wander off.  I have always had the females spayed, leather gloves, pet carrier, two people, and no predetermined appointment at the vet.  Some of them wander off (or are taken), but two were well in their teens when they finally died.

Well, that rambled on a bit, guess I will take another nap.  Bye!

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