Wednesday, December 27, 2023

More of the same

 The glasses I ordered from GlassesUsa never arrived, and I received a refund and a note that says the frames I chose are discontinued.  I ordered a pair from GlassShop, and I like the frames much better, plus they are cheaper too.  Now to wait again.

I got a nice cookbook from R for the KitchenAid mixer.  The only thing that is prevalent is the ingredients which are an entire page or more, and include ingredients that I have never heard of.  In fact, I ordered two cookbooks for the KitchenAid, hopefully they will be more user friendly.  And they have photos of most dishes which is a big help when it is an unknown.  I just wish the books were spiral bound, the better to lay flat on the counter.

R liked her "name" necklace although the clasp is wee tiny and C had to fasten when she tried it on.  She said the staff at work all have ones like it, the same thing I noticed at the rehab place. C liked the drone with camera he got from me, something to amuse himself.  He also got a cookbook for World of Warfare, real recipes that reference the ingredients found in the game.  

I bought a plain silver chain to go with the turtle pendant from Etsy.  Of course there is no where that I can wear it except here in the bedroom.  I have an appt. at Claire's tomorrow to get my ears pierced (again).  The original piercing was too crooked and I hope for a symmetrical placement this time.  I have all these earrings I cannot wear, I plan to cull the ones that are too juvenile, donate them to Goodwill or whatever.  I can date these from when I was first able to wear pierced earrings, back in 1972.  How old these are!  Even the ones I wore for my wedding in 1970 were clip-on.

That is about the post for now, hope everyone has a fun New Years Eve and I will post again in a week or so.


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