Thursday, June 03, 2021

Well, OK

The black feral cat that was missing for 8 or 10 days returned demanding food (we had the dry food taken up so we wouldn't tempt wildlife) and scratching of his itchy spots, in that order.  He doesn't look any the worse for wear, but I am surprised he found his way back to us.  I don't hold with putting collars on outdoor cats, if they are stretchy they invariably disappear, while the solid collars hang up in anything and strangle the cat.  There was a time years ago when indoor cats wore loose fabric collars that had powdered flea treatment in them, and then the plastic ones that were stretched to activate and put on afterward.  Now of course we have the drops that are dribbled on the neck-back and they kill all the fleas and ticks and immature fleas too.  I haven't used flea treatment for years, but I would if somehow fleas re-appeared in the house, tracked inside somehow.  Ick.  

And I go on the 7th for my second inoculation for COVID.  C has had both but the last few days he has been headachey and tired all the time, and I blame the vaccine.  

Sigh.  C vacuumed the entire house on the 12th and had to change out the bag it got so full.  But what really stunned me was that he took down the Christmas tree!  It has been sitting in the living room all this time, and I, of course, haven't been upstairs since Christmas day.  June!  6 months since Christmas!

On a more related thing, C washed and waxed the Lexus, which was my Mother's Day gift (a little late).  It looks great, he took photos and best of all, it does not need to be waxed  again for 6 months.  It is one of those new waxes (silicone? Ceramic?) and it really brings up the blue mica paint, but not too gaudy.  

C bought a new car on the 12th ( well, I bought it because the 2011 Subaru he drove died and I have a better FICO score and thus a lower interest rate).  We had the old Subaru towed to the dealer for an estimate on repair, but the price for repair was $5200!  No way would I put that amount of money on a 2011!  So the one we got is a 2019 Subaru Impreza with low milage, red for a little pizazz.  The repair on the '11 would have been for all the belts and hoses, which they said were dry-rotted from sitting so long without being driven.   Even though the hoses (etc.) could be replaced, I am betting the fuel pump, the water pump, the radiator, and so on would die too, eventually.  A wide hole into which we would throw money...   

     Bye for now!

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