Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Gym or jim?

I always felt like I should get credit for going to the gym... not exercising, only seated at the smoothie  bar.  Doesn't that count?  I was at the gym for 2 hours...

Had to cancel the therapy on Monday, there wasn't much snow fallen (especially for a Subaru), but the driveway had a layer of ice exposed when the driveway was swept.  So the problem was getting me safely in the car.  The Sube could pull into the garage, but the only door that had enough clearance to open was the driver's door - if the car was backed into the garage the passenger door would open, but I couldn't get C out to help me with my walker.  This is why I scheduled my surgery in June (of 2017), but the final surgery was in Feb.(of 2018)  The best laid plans...

I did get my nails done yesterday, my friend had her husband bring her here.  She is more skittish than me about snow.

I am still pondering the move to a mobile home next year.  I found a web page for some floor plans that included the prices.  Wow!  The floor plan I favor is listed as starting at  $140K, which isn't bad for stick-built home, but come on, mobile homes?!  And half of our furniture won't fit.  I will get a better feel for that once I get a floor plan that is drawn to 1/4" to one foot, so I can use my furniture/kitchen/master bedroom models and see what isn't going to fit.  I am already planning what I will leave behind, once the moving is done.  I don't figure I will regret selling off things via auction, I have far far too much stuff that inertia has made me procrastinate selling while there is still time.  My Mom and Dad did the same when they moved here from Ft. Lauderdale, when I sold the house here there were boxes that had never been unpacked.  All my past  moves for us were done on Uncle Sam's dime, so a reasonable cost was no concern.

If I move to town, I won't have to worry about snow, they get very little being in a valley next to the river.

I have been sketching some this last week.  The thing is, I have to see a photo or print to sketch.  At one time I could draw from life but now I can't get the image down.  And drawing with charcoal or graphite is a lot different; for one, no erasing, it just won't come up.  If I ever do something appealing I will post it here.  It will be a while.

Time to publish this and get some lunch.  Bye!

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