Monday, September 10, 2018


It is really windy tonight, although not our share of Florence.  I hate it,  I listen to it all day and now all night, and for every creak outside I think of those 4 dead trees, one in the yard leaning toward the road and the main power line.  If I get a reimbursement from the long care insurance, I will call the company that gave us one of the estimates; not the cheapest one, and not the highest one.  The guy C spoke to was very knowledgeable, and he said the removal can wait until the next year.  But I hate dreading every twig that blows off, and one of the trees will definitely fall onto the neighbor's yard.  This is the neighbor that took down 3 trees on our property before N pointed out the property line.  One of the trees was still alive.  He hired a survey to shoot the corners of his property, and what do you know, we were right.  When we put up our livestock fence, we had to set it inside the boundary because there were so many trees right on the line, fencing would mean taking them all out.  We planted a few too, one, a Colorado Blue Spruce`tree that now, 20 years later, is a beauty.  What if he decided it was in his way when he mowed?  I would have cried.  He has a tattie old house they built with left-over building material; for example his windows are tiny trailer ones, and he used soffit to side the house, putting it in vertically and it looks very strange.  I have never seen vertical clapboard.  I'd think he would be better off working on his house than screwing around with our trees.  I haven't seen his wife in many months, I guess she is gone.  Maybe she moved to FL, where she spoke of going, when she had a garage sale.

Back to bed, more later.

The farrier came this morning, and found another abscess on the horse's left hind.  She is so gimpy from her stroke-like symptoms that the abscess didn't faze C.  I doubt I would have noticed either.  And anyway, I would have called the farrier to open it so it could drain.  It is like a sore spot under a fingernail, it hurts but you can just wait it out if necessary.  I am wondering about having her put down, if she has another stroke, or if the growth in her ear becomes huge and hurtful.  Right now she seems OK and a little sassy, so I will wait to see how she gets on.  I hate this part of pet ownership, how to balance their quality of life and the pain they are in.  If the winter is bad...

The neighbors across the road have their house listed to sell.  It was built by the same contractor as ours, and it is listed at $249,000.  I don't know what improvements have been done, it has had 4 owners since I have been inside.  C has been in, to feed their dog while the family was on vacation, and he said it looks very much like ours, except there are two steps in the hall, where they couldn't get the foundation any further down due to a huge outcropping stone under the house.  I don't think they have had any potential buyers.

I would like to get our kitchen remodeled, bigger.  I don't know how to start with someone to draw up some plans that would take the back wall further out, yet still above the master bath downstairs.  Guess I will go for the yellow pages...

I've rambled along quite a while so I will leave you with this funny:

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