Christmas is almost here. I sure hope the Christmas songs that are everywhere will stop on the 26th. I have had one or the other imprinted in my head, Like winter wonderland, or Rudolf or silver bells. It's a wonder my brain doesn't actually chime, I could get a job at the Salvation Army and I wouldn't even need a bell.
We have 6 to 8 inches of snow on the ground (WV) but it looks like that is all. Hopefully the roads will be cleared so we can get to the grocery store later today, we need to buy the Christmas day fixin's We do steak and baked potatoes with fruit salad and a pie, and have sweet rolls for breakfast and a tray of munchies for lunch. Not traditional but also no leftovers!
All the online purchases we have all done have arrived with time to spare. And we only tackled the mall twice. I'm not going to go on the 26th either, I can't take the mob scene. The last time we went one of the local schools 7th and 8th graders had the string group playing, very nice. We sat in the food court eating a sugar bagel and listening, a nice respite.
N's great great nephew is now a year old. I am going to send a gift after the first, as I neglected to do so when he was born; things on my mind then. They live in Kentucky and N's sister looks after the baby most of the time. This after raising her grandaughter, and now her great grandson. Maybe some people need to grow up?
Bumper sticker for the day: "We have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart?"
P.S. I see now that the blog counting widget is above the actual count, and not down the page. I didn't do it! Will it last?
1 comment :
go to where the comments are go down just a bit and you will see spam click on it and then delete all the spam I was getting alot now only google people can comment I changed it have a problem e mail me
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