Wednesday, December 27, 2023

More of the same

 The glasses I ordered from GlassesUsa never arrived, and I received a refund and a note that says the frames I chose are discontinued.  I ordered a pair from GlassShop, and I like the frames much better, plus they are cheaper too.  Now to wait again.

I got a nice cookbook from R for the KitchenAid mixer.  The only thing that is prevalent is the ingredients which are an entire page or more, and include ingredients that I have never heard of.  In fact, I ordered two cookbooks for the KitchenAid, hopefully they will be more user friendly.  And they have photos of most dishes which is a big help when it is an unknown.  I just wish the books were spiral bound, the better to lay flat on the counter.

R liked her "name" necklace although the clasp is wee tiny and C had to fasten when she tried it on.  She said the staff at work all have ones like it, the same thing I noticed at the rehab place. C liked the drone with camera he got from me, something to amuse himself.  He also got a cookbook for World of Warfare, real recipes that reference the ingredients found in the game.  

I bought a plain silver chain to go with the turtle pendant from Etsy.  Of course there is no where that I can wear it except here in the bedroom.  I have an appt. at Claire's tomorrow to get my ears pierced (again).  The original piercing was too crooked and I hope for a symmetrical placement this time.  I have all these earrings I cannot wear, I plan to cull the ones that are too juvenile, donate them to Goodwill or whatever.  I can date these from when I was first able to wear pierced earrings, back in 1972.  How old these are!  Even the ones I wore for my wedding in 1970 were clip-on.

That is about the post for now, hope everyone has a fun New Years Eve and I will post again in a week or so.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Home at Last

 I got home last week, so at least I will get to be home for Christmas.  C is doing my infusions of Ab (daptomycin) and I won't go back to the nursing home for any reason I can think of.  

I did get the gifts I ordered for C and R, although the gift for R I think I ordered twice... oh well.  I hope they like them, but at least they will have something to rip into on Christmas day.  I'm not sure if either of them read my posts here, but I won't reveal what I finally got them.  C put up the mini-tree in my room and it looks festive, if only 2 feet tall.  By next year I should be able to go upstairs and have the 6 foot tree to decorate.  Not to mention going to prepare a yummy menu, which I enjoy.  

I ordered a pair of glasses (why is it called a pair when it is only one?) from GlassesShop.  I have a card from my current glasses with the 'script, but not the D.P. so I hope they are OK.  I looked endlessly on Glasses USA web site, and even after going through pages and pages I couldn't find a single pair I liked.  With GlassesShop I picked the third one it showed, and the price was a lot cheaper too.  The web page was a little hard to enter the price, but C helped me.  He also helped me wrap his gift, it takes two hands just to manage the tape.

I saw my primary doctor this morning, and he gave me a script for Ambien which I desperately needed.  I borrowed some from C which I can now "repay" as soon as we get to the drug store.  I will try to sleep without taking any, but if I am thrashing around in bed it is good to have a fall-back plan.  It irks the crap out of me that narcotics are so hard to obtain even when they are a  legit need for a patient, thanks to the black market for addicts.  Dr. Pogue (my surgery doctor) was busted in a sting operation back when I needed knee replacement, I hear he is doing time elsewhere, hope they keep a close watch on his supplies.

I remember when I was working for Dr. A(sshole) at his first time at the U for a lab of his own.  I had scheduled the days from Christmas Eve to the second day of January to be on vacation, but it didn't sit well with him (too bad).  I diffidently informed him that everyone (with a few exceptions) took those days off, and that if he chose to work then, he won't get much done if he was there since all the support personnel (receiving, radiation safety, animal quarters, maintenance, cafeteria, mail room,  and so on ) were also gone.  He sniffed and said that it was not that way at Stony Brook (where he was working when they hired him at WVU) and he would work except for Christmas day alone.  I told him he wouldn't find it easy to do so.  When I returned in January he admitted he found it useless to be there, no package delivery, no maintenance help, no custodial staff, and so on.  I bit my tongue and refrained from saying "told you so". 

I also told him it was a mistake to piss off the maintenance workers, they found ways to get back at whomever was responsible.  Sure enough he ticked them off and then couldn't get them to install an electrical outlet for his -80 degree freezer.  The fool even put it in writing.  I took pity on him and asked one of my friends in maintenance to do it.  

No-one should ever make an enemy of maintenance or secretary people.  I used to bat the breeze with either of these groups, and I even brought homemade cookies now and then.

As for me, I am so very glad to be home, and I am sorry I thought I needed to be in a skilled nursing facility to get my antibiotics, when C is a pro doing the process.  I hated the nursing place, they had so many poor CNAs I can't believe they kept their certification.

So here is my wish for all my readers, to have a great Christmas or other special day, and to wish you all the best for the New Year with no strife or fighting, and wish that you reach out to those in need who may be alone when you are  planning your time with family.  

Merry Christmas!