Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Pot decision pending

Well I am deceiving you a little.  The pot I am taking about comes in groups of 12 or more, and is going to be my one eventual set.  To cook in, you know?  We donated the set of Revere ware that was left and and bought a set from a department store and they have been a mistake; burn food was the recipe of the day.  I can't get to the kitchen until my knees are functional on stairs, so I will save these until then.  I also have a hand mixer set aside for the same treat.  If you don't like to cook (like my nail manicure lady), I can see you going "what???) but hopefully all my recipe ideas are at least OK.

I have once again tackled my chickadee cross stitch project and it does have a lot more to go, but I am at least making headway.  I thought this pattern would be a ginger snap, but no, more like a molasses cookie.  And I am going to put it in a BIG frame so everyone can admire it.  Or at least go "hmm; you say you spent HOW many hours on this?"

I am still getting phone calls for N, it has been 6 years since he died in June of 2016.  He volunteered for a lot of projects, and not many people read obits daily.  But each phone call is another reminder that he is gone.   

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