Monday, July 11, 2022

Here comes the dentist

 I was too optimistic about the number of days that would take to recover from the dental work, it has been 10 days and counting.  I am so very tired of so-called soft food, and the alternative makes my teeth hurt.  A lot.

I never traveled much since coming here (why?) and now that seems like freedom unmatched.  And tonight dinner was weird in flavor, probably due to my teeth.  So I made a dinner out of crescent rolls tonight.  I like them, but as the main course, not so much.  I am nearly out of pain medication and of course it was late when I called the doctor's office, so at least 24 hours for a refill.  Why do doctors assume first that druggies are trying to scam a pain med and only second that a patient needs help?  I'm not even asking for a mega variety, I am allergic to all but the mildest variety.

Ah well, I have bent your ear about this in the past, so I will move on.

I have been passing time going through my jewelry (costume) and found two 30 inch silver necklaces that I did not know I had.  Nice.  I also found some pretty earrings, but my ears will have to be re-pierced since it has been a couple of years since I wore posts.  I discovered a treasure-trove of post earrings all nicely arranged in a box, so I could wear a different pair every day of the year and never repeat.  Does Claires still pierce, or do you have to go to a walk-in clinic?  

I have also been attempting to work on my cross stitch but I have hit a road block.  I have been Stitching for years and years, but I can't figure out how to thread a needle so that it will be looped in the back, not run the stitch behind other stitches.  Every time I think I have the trick, the needle falls off the floss.  Maybe tomorrow I will try again.  The good part that came in yesterday's mail was two Cross stitch patterns, one called yarn cat, the other chickadees in blossoms.  I already have the chickadee one, but the yarn cat is new to me, and as a humorous one it will be different too.  If, I guess, I can thread the needles.

The dog across the road was picked up by the dog catcher 3 or 4 days ago, I saw them do it and went "Woo hoo". I hoped they would keep him at the pound while he got some decent food and be adopted by a nice family, but damn today he was back again.  I don't have anything against dogs in general, but this dog runs loose chasing cats, barking all hours of the night, and has the neighborhood children terrified when he charges them.  I don't know who called the dog catcher, but they have my sympathy.  I have heard that the "ransom" is pretty high, so maybe the neighbor will try again.  Or the owner will give up the next time.

I think I will read tonight, I have a book by Barbara Hambly that I started and for whatever reason, never finished.  And this is a purchased book, not a library one.  

Bye for now, sewing and reading await.  

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