Well, not entirely, yet, but I am getting there. If UPS and FedEx come through for me, we have all the shopping done. Today we went by Belk's (Large-ish department store) to get electric blankets for R and C, but they only had them in queen and King sizes, no Twin ones at all. So I came home and ordered them on-line. I'm willing to support local (sort of) merchants, but if they can't restock quickly at this time of year, it is no wonder that people resort to online buying. I wish I could have felt the ones I ended up ordering, but I just ordered a well known brand, and hope for the best.
It was 71 here today before the rain started, this on Dec. 14th! Will we have a winter at all this year? I guess if I had my druthers it would be for snow on Dec 24th and gone by Dec 26th. Just enough to have a white Christmas. But we shall see.
I am writing this on my MacBook Air, and the keys are really small. But that is no excuse for this to auto-correct my spelling every other word. I liked it better when the questionable words were underscored and then you corrected them after you were done with the paper. It is especially annoying when it wants (if you can say an inanimate object wants anything) to change the word entirely to another word. I can remember when (here we go...) cash registers just added up the total, whereas now they calculate the amount of change to give back too. This is because the checkers couldn't count from the amount due how much change was due. Like, the total came to 16.50 and they handed you a $20, you would count, here are two quarters, that's $17, and then 3 singles, and that equals $20. Hand the customer $3.50 and you were done. Now the registers show the change due, and what with coupons, specials, credit cards, and so on, is it any wonder the checkers have job related stress? When I manned a register, we had to make up any shortfall out of our own money, which certainly gave us the incentive to get it right. Granted, it isn't rocket science, but now we have self-checkout lines at the grocery store, so checkers aren't needed at all. I never use the self-serve, I feel like I am cheating someone out of a job.
Enough grimness.
The house cats have been amazingly well behaved with the decorations, etc. not even a single ornament batted off the tree. So far. No one felt much like doing the decorating, but we all plugged at it a bit at a time until it was done. Now it looks quite festive. Only 11 more days.
I will be 65 in January, and thus obligated to begin Medicare. I have gotten a ton of mail offering medigap insurance, which I don't need or want. Straight into the trash. Sometimes I wish for a trashcan right at the curb, to save having to carry it inside and fill up the trash can in here. I really don't need the daily reminders of my "coming of age" this time, either.
Thought for the day: "Support the economy -- buy a congressman!"
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