I have been writing this blog since 2004 and in all that time I think I have gotten less than 150 comments total, on hundreds and hundred of posts. How do I go about getting a more comment-y response? I read other blogs and write comments and my blog address, but so far that has yielded very few (like 40) remarks, most from bloggers that I didn't visit myself. A few exceptions (and I thank you for that). When I read back over my posts, they sounds reasonably coherent and rant-free; is it that the topics are too boring?
I stand corrected: there have been 430+ comments, including 50 or so from just the last 8 posts. But why aren't these being posted? I can read them on the http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8929312#publishedcomments page, but not here with the posts. What gives?
Any insights into this will be much appreciated.
Bumper sticker for the day: "Does your train of thought have a caboose?"
You don't post often, but I make every attempt to comment when you do because I love to see you. And you ARE on my blog roll, so I would hope others would know of you.
I also know I found you on someone else's blog [don't remember who, sorry]...
Check your comment status on each post. It might have something to do with the way your comments are set up?
Good luck sweetie! Love the bumper sticker [as always].
Thanks Skippy Mom, I always count on your comments to give me a lift. I cannot figure out how to get all the other comments to post, although I have gone top to bottom on the dashboard for blogspot. Guess I will just keep trying. Your comment here shows just fine. Thanks again.
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