Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Clear

What a relief! The PET/CT scan is clear, no sign of metastases. The visit to the surgeon resulted in once again syringing out fluid around the incision, but he also scheduled the port placement. It is to be installed (sounds like a new washer, doesn't it?) on April 1st. Chemo tentatively scheduled to begin on April 4th. In between these two visits is a trip to salon and cutting off most of my hair. Soon I'll be what a comedian once described as having less hair to comb and more face to wash. I.e., bald. I will find out what my bare head looks like, and I'll see how much it bothers me to be bald.

Below is a photo of my ice candle. It burned down very fast, and although I expected to get a hollow cube that I could insert a new taper inside to burn again, the shell proved to be far too fragile, all melted away in the center and nothing left to hold a new taper. I may try this with paraffin wax instead of soy, once I get some paraffin.

My kids (well, to me. They haven't been kids in 15 years or so) have surprised me, asking routine questions about the port placement, the incision, etc. I would not have been surprised if they had completely ignored the whole issue, other than hugging me more lightly. I have yet to take R aside and explain that all this has an impact on her, that she is at greater risk for breast cancer and that her doctor will probably suggest a mammogram sooner than at age 40. She tends to get prickly when you surprise her with new things, which is why I have put this off. But soon.

It is 3 am, time to return to bed for more (hopefully) sleep. I'll finish this later.

OK, photo in place -- looks sorta like a jack-o-lantern, doesn't it?

My therapist has forwarded to me a list of meetings that take place locally for cancer patients, family, and so forth. One of the contact names is of a social worker that helped take care of Mom when she was with hospice, back in 1998. She was very helpful and incredibly patient with Dad and my sister, no small task. So I will definitely check these meetings out, once I have a routine set for the chemotherapy. I was surprised anything was available locally, this is a very small city/large town and we lack a lot of the amenities found in big cities.

The chemo port is still on for Friday, I hope it will be painless and easy, I'm not feeling very brave these days. Knock me out, that's what I want.

Thanks once again for all the caring commentators that read this, it means more to me than I can say.

Bumper sticker for the day: "Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics."


Dina Roberts said...

I'm glad your scan was clear. I actually don't know what that means, but since you seem happy about it....I'm assuming it's a good thing.

I'm glad your kids asked questions. I personally think these types of things are easier when people are open and honest...rather than quietly ignoring the big elephant in the room.

I'm wondering if your daughter will already know about her risk of cancer? I guess you do need to bring it up, just in case she doesn't. But when we go to the doctor, they always/often ask if you have relatives with certain diseases. She might already be thinking about these things, although much of her thoughts are probably worries about you.

Have you made baldness plans? Are you going to go the bald and proud route? Wig? Scarf? Hat? Wait till you see how you feel? Maybe you can do all of the above, and look different each day. Unfortunately you might be feeling too sick to enjoy the styling opportunities. Hopefully, you won't feel too horrible. And I hope you have people around to help you through all this.

SkippyMom said...

Fabulous news on the scan. YAY!

I am glad you can keep a smile on your face - the bumper sticker is cute. [and true! :) ]

I have been thinking about you and hope that the port went in okay. I am sure you are apprehensive about tomorrow, but have faith that you will get through this with aplomb! You are one very strong lady. Just look how great you have done so far.

Hang tough lady - and if you need anyone to talk to when you feel up to it I am just an email away. I really wish I could do more.

:gentle: hug my friend.


thats fantastic news about the scan...finally a win !
Dina..metastasis are secondary cancers,so its very good they are not there.

That candle looks very different to the one i made as a kid, parrafin is more volotile maybe? but there are more and finer airholes as I remember,a more feathery look.

As I write this you already have your port in,I hope they sedated you for that, And your chemo is started.Funny that you didn't think the kids would ask questions,I'll probably think the same of mine when they are older,I'm sure you're kids are quietly worried for you and don't want to worry you with their worrying.

I'm thinking your daughter probably does know she is at increased risk, but it wont hurt to mention it,you can always ask one of the nurses to bring it up with her.

I hope the chemo is not wreaking havoc with you and its all ok doing what its supposed to be doing for you,its all worth it then.

sending you soft (hugs),and best wishes.

love the bumper sticker!