Sunday, December 11, 2022


 Well, I don't really have anything new to write about, but I will give it a shot.  If you need to hear about my Christmas, take a look at "secrets" from Dec 9th. I have changed it from the original brief entry.

I bought a box of Biore strips to work on my blackheads.  You may remember them from years ago; you get the pre-shaped strips and after wetting them, you put them on your skin (face nose) and after 10 minutes they are peeled off, bringing the blackheads with them.  I found a very small amount on the strips after doing this, but it is pretty neat to check the inside of the strip after use and see all the little marks from my nose.  I will try again in a few days, I need to get them on smoothly the next time. 

I rounded up all the makeup that arrived while I was gone, and it amounted to a small-ish box all filled to bursting.  I will try to get them sorted the way the last ones were done, although I will need to clear off the desk/table first.  Without that all the tubes, etc. will dive under the desk mess never to be seen again (black hole proven)  but I won't know which ones are missing until I am actually putting the makeup on.  I have a list of the order I put each on, and the list gets longer and longer the more I follow the do-it over in the fashion magazines.  To which I now refuse to subscribe.  Have I posted a photo of me, recently?  I will try to find one.   Well, maybe this once...

Hopefully Google won't erase it update-recovered header!, like it did all the others. This one isn't very new, but oh well,I look the same here, just tidier than usual.

My journal writing has likewise taken a hit, not having written in it since September.  I can fill it up with information from my hospital stay, I can't do the same here because who knows who will read it, what is amusing for me would sound mean for another reader.  What is hard for me to admit, I still can't walk without a walker, or better yet is being in the wheelchair.  I will continue the exercises in the hope that some improvements just take longer to show up.

One thing I will relay, is hospital etiquette.  All the rooms were double, and since I was there longer than most I got a fair cross-section of roomies.  In all cases they listened to the TV until 10:30 or later (I go 9:00 to bed) and loudly too, as the TV is mounted up high on the wall and they seem to be hard of hearing.  I never turned my set on, and one roommate had it tuned to the Western station, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Cheyenne, and on and on until way in the night.  I didn't remember any of them until they were on.  But from one woman I demanded another room.  She was demented?  anyway she had 3 things she shouted all the time - "Nurse!", "Help!", and "Water!", and she shouted really loudly ALL the time.  I told the nurses I would sleep in the hall if they didn't move me, and I guess they took me seriously and moved me after about an hour.  I don't speak Mumble either.  She would shout even when the nurse was in the room with her. And of course she drove them crazy too, and she was NPO so no water. They had a brain damaged unit in a separate wing, but it was full.  Of course.

I didn't give out candy this Halloween although I had planned to.  But I left the hospital on the 28th and by the 31st I didn't feel up to sitting out in the cold for 2 hours.  I didn't hear much merriment outside that night.  When my kids were young the last year I asked them if I bought lots of candy would they skip the trick-or-treating and they said "yes!" with much enthusiasm.  That let me off sewing costumes; I had always done the real elaborate ones, starting them weeks ahead of time.  It was a lot of work for one evening of wearing.  In the end I sold them all at a flea market.  (The costumes, not the kids!) The Dracula one was the one everyone wanted, that and the dragon/dinosaur one.  We had 50 kids year before last, mostly wee tiny kids.  They came in such a rush I didn't get to enjoy their costumes.  Just one boy with a toy sword pushed through a box of cheerios - he was a "cereal" killer.  Pretty clever...

That is all the miscellaneous bits I have now, and it is dinner time.  Home cooking, Yum!  for now, take care...

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

No more photos/cartoons here

 The copy write police have trained their view on this poor old blog, and deleted most all of the illustrations from here.  The only ones that I reinstated are the ones that I took, and photos of me, the farm house, my car, a doll, the pony, and the header which I bought from the artist many years ago (I began this blog in 2004) and is therefor protected, being 19 years old.  I think.

Anyway, the blog would be more entertaining with the illustrations, but two or three strikes and they take the channel off.  How this helps the originator I don't know, I would think the more widely seen the better for the artist.  But what do I know?

Bye for now.