I have been pretty slow in keeping this post ship-shape, I hope you haven't given up (all 12 readers) (joke). And in fact I have been gathering topics to post here.
I lost my last cousin in a motor vehicle accident. She was my age and I have all these photos of us as tykes playing on the swing. We drifted away over the years, but still ....family is family. She lived in NC and I saw her last year for the family reunion. She seemed the same as before, just grayer. But then so do I 😢
I just got my nails done today, and boy what a change. I have been putting it off for weeks, and my nails were very chewed up (not from being chewed) but they look spiffy again. The trick now is to keep them from being damaged in day-to-day use. I still can't managed steps, up or down, and rough lawn is the same. The nail lady comes here, for a mere $60. Well worth the money, measured against the dreary days without anything to lighten the mood.
I have been all set to take up where I left off on three cross-stitch projects BUT there are four parts to stitching. Fabric to hold the design, floss to stitch, pattern of the design, the stitcher. But I found that there are at least one and maybe two components that are missing of each one. Floss is the easiest to replace, I just take the list to Hobby Lobby. Fabric isn't too tough once the size is account for. One would think that the pattern is easiest since it is what attracted the stitching. I have lost at least one and sometimes two of the necessary bits; even though they are more than half finished. Sob. If I could find just one missing part of one pattern, I would be well pleased. Where could they be, I and C have searched the room to no avail. One of the three is no more than the cover with none of the contents, pitch.
If only I had been more thorough while urging C to mow more effectively; the grass and weeds are 2 feet tall. One of the neighbors volunteered to cut it for us, as it is past the point that we can manage. with a push mower. There are three of them and it is 91 degrees outside. I think we could send them Cinnabons; Mmmm. One neighbor is giving directions, "the next house past the house with tall grass." What a claim to fame.
I have been keeping up with my exercises in our home, in both knees. There is a chance I can get the surgeon to agree to do my left knee replacement. Or not. But there is a plus side in in any case.
Time to go, all of you, hope you find smiley to match you mood. Bye for now!