Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This is where a post title would go if I could think of one.

I've been letting the old blog posting go by the wayside for a couple of weeks, which is because I can't think of anything to write.  So be forewarned, this post will be a little of this and a little of that.

We drove to the little town in Braxton county WV to see my aunt and uncle.  My aunt was feeling too bad to get out of bed, or even to talk to us; my uncle had a hard time tracking our conversation, probably due to fatigue.  We didn't stay long; DD got car sick on the way down, and so I rode in the back seat of the Toyota Highlander part of the drive down and then on the way home too.  It was my first time in the back, and there is a noticeable sway at highway speeds back there, although it didn't bother me.

This is the view of my back deck, you can see the pool (still closed) in the bottom left corner, and waaayy in the background on the right bottom corner you can see the white bathtub/horse waterer inside the fence.  It was a lovely day today, not too warm and a nice breeze.  We saw lots of squirrels, but no hummingbirds.  Yesterday the front lawn was the site of two Canadian geese with three goslings, on their way to the neighboring pond no doubt.  I scurried outside with the camera all poised, but they were gone by then.  I know lots of people regard them as a nuisance now, leaving huge amounts of droppings everywhere, like in parks and playgrounds, but they are still neat to see.

Bumper sticker for the day:  "Back off !!  I have cats and I know how to use them."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tinker's Damn

Wonder where "Not worth a tinker's damn" came from.  I bet I can look it up on Wikipedia, but I am not motivated enough.  Actually, I'm not motivated enough to do anything at all.  I want very much to fall asleep, but three times when I have managed to drop off, I have jumped up and barfed.  For my next attempt I am going to keep a small plastic pan (you know, the ones you carry home from the hospital) beside my bed.  It only seems to happen when I lay down, so I feel fine as long as I sit up.  Hence the reason I am posting here at 3 am.

Yesterday DH and I scrubbed down the big bathroom adjoining the master bedroom, it was a mess when we started.  The linoleum floor is awful, faded and with gouges and cuts in it, I have no idea how they got there.  It looks like we have been ice skating in there, them changing into golf spike  shoes and practicing the Irish fling.  Yeah, it's that bad.  But except for that, it looks very nice, and even the floor is nice and glossy where it isn't damaged.  Now I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet.  By tomorrow I will be needing vicodin to soothe the aches and pains.

That's the trouble with housework, you do it once and then have to do it all over again in six months.

The whole family had a nice dinner out; not quite what I had planned for a belated anniversary dinner, but it was OK, (except for my problem in the first paragraph).  We all went in the Highlander, the first time we've had all four seats filled.  I have to say it rides fine, but it feels like it is 8 feet wide, pretty much like the pickup.  Which I also do not drive.  I'll have to get N to drive to an empty  shopping center and let me get the feel of the thing.  To give you an idea, the dash displays a camera view out the back end.  That's because the back end is sooooo far away.  I have been working on my driving skills for some months, so this is a setback for me.  I don't understand why I am so tense when I drive.  Until I retired 7 years ago (at 55), I drove everywhere in my little Miata.  But gradually I drove it less and less, each time having to jump it (boo hiss) and so we sold it.  I have developed an enormous fear of driving, mine and anyone else's, to the point of being sickly and sweaty as just a front seat passenger.  I don't know why.  I should probably go back to the therapist, but someone would need to drive me there...

I am planning to get another knitting machine, a "bulky" one to use with 5 and 6 weight yarn.  The one that looks the best is owned by one of the members on the Knitters Paradise forum that I read every day, usually.  I say that, but after answering my request for information on the particular machine, I have heard....nothing.  So frustrating.

The photo above shows the burgundy swap I sent to my April/May partner.  It is hard to photograph a dark color, but the background is a burgundy apron, then a bunch of stuff here and in another photo of all that I sent.  The concept for this swap is interesting, but I withdrew because I am tired of searching for things that match that month's color.

Bumper sticker for the day:  "Dear Karma, I have a list of people that you have missed."

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Zoom Zoom

I am back from FL and glad to be home, where I can veg out if needed.  The plane ride was ...interesting.  Going to FL on a 737 was great because in a plane that seats 140 ish flyers, there were only 30 or so passengers.  I got all three seats in the row behind the bulkhead seats.  On the return flight, there were around 130 passengers, and there was someone in the window seat while I was in the aisle, but we had the center seat for our purses, etc.  I was the first person on the plane too.  I flew Business Select, which in NOT first class (Southwest has no first class seats, it is open seating, where you can take any seat that is, well, open).  The ride home was pretty bumpy at take off and landing, the two times when I get white-knuckle hands.  But all was well.  Husband and son met me at Pittsburgh and we drove an hour to get home.  This was the only non-stop flight from here to there.

The day I returned was our 44th wedding anniversary, but I was too tired to go out to dinner.  DH had a nice chicken dinner in the crock pot, so that worked out well.  The next day I was so sore on my right side from carrying a HEAVY tote bag thru miles of airport that I had to take one of my pain pills, I'll have to find a better way next time.  I had checked my suitcase, even though it would have fitted in the overhead compartment, because I didn't want to hoist it over my head to get it in (or out).  I bought t-shirts for the kids, which they said were great, but then they would have said that if they were too small or in weird colors, I will probably never see them wearing them.

The cats literally threw themselves at me when I walked in the door, demanding pets and scratches right then.  They still had had 3 adult slaves to see to their demands while I was gone, but apparently that wasn't enough.  Now, of course, they completely ignore me.

Bumper sticker for the day:  "I'll procrastinate tomorrow."

Sunday, June 01, 2014


Hi to all
I am flying to Florida tomorrow and will resume posting when I return.

Bumper sticker for the day:  "The nicest thing about the future is . . .  that it always starts tomorrow."